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Zulaika Norasyikin Binti Rusli (BGJ210210203)

Updated: Oct 10, 2021

Dear future me,

Actually , I have worried so much about you, please don’t worry about your future. Just be a free spirit and stop worrying so much . I know you try so hard to be strong , but you always cry at night alone . Its not needed to act so strong okay dear<3... just be as you are . Your heart fragile as butterfly so keep loving and don’t break your heart.

By the time you read this , I’ll be another old memory that you sometimes miss. But please don’t waste your energy on wishing you could turn back time . This is your past promising to make our future turns out just fine .

Remember , no matter how hard you try , memories will stay in your mind . You need to always shift your focus . Create distraction. Don’t let bad memories stay too long in your head. Forget endless tears by walking in the park . Battle dark clouds above your head with the calm smell of the sea. Ignore thunderstorms in the middle of night with laughing out loud watching your favourite cartoons .

Your sincerely



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